Thursday 17 January 2013

#AskOliver health Q&A session

I ran the first of my #AskOliver Twitter Q&A sessions last Friday and it was a great success!

I asked my Twitter followers to tweet their health and energy related questions using the hashtag #AskOliver and I logged onto Twitter to answer them, between 12-2pm. I received a variety of health and energy related questions and thought it would be helpful to write a short blog post to summarise them and share some of my tips.

Hi Oliver. I always have a 3pm slump. How do I combat this?
Make sure you include healthy protein (fish, chicken, tofu, lentils) in your lunch & Matcha tea is a great 3pm energiser

Morning coffee at work - good 'energiser' to start the day? What's your view?
Try to limit your caffeine.Matcha green tea is a much better option. Gives u an energy boost & won't leave you feeling low later

How many breaks should you take from your computer screen during an average 8 hour working day?
About 5 mins per hour, and a longer break from lunch, also regular fresh air breaks & back stretches helps to energise

Oliver, I use my mobile phone right up until I head to bed (midnight) - is this wise??
Not so wise ;) Start a new habit to improve sleep, avoid all technology an hour before bed, no TV, laptop, iPad & phone

Oliver, are short bursts of fitness (15mins) really as effective as longer sessions in the gym??
15 min workouts are great when you're time poor Mon-Fri & def as effective as longer sessions. Morning = max benefits

Hello @olivergray7 what is the best way to keep your energy levels up when at work? Snacking? Fresh air?
Fresh air breaks & lunch away from your computer is key + healthy breakfast & lunch with a mid afternoon fruit & nut snack

Having an afternoon energy slump. Your thoughts?
It's a beautiful day for some fresh air energising lunch Sainsbury's local now do lentils pre-cooked, great with green salad 

What's the best way to avoid food cravings e.g. sugar?
Avoid refined processed foods, these are often high in sugar, the less sugar you eat the less you will crave. Try for 1 month

Why do I feel so full/sick when I eat small amount of eggs, then hungry soon after. Have to eat them in two sittings
Maybe intolerant or the way you digest protein, this is likely to be the case if the same thing happens with other protein foods

My job is community based, and stressful, not sure when to fit in exercise before or after work?
Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym @matilda501 - it could be walking to work

Do keep posting any questions on Twitter. You can contact me via @olivergray7 I am always up for interacting with people who are taking an interest in their health and energy levels!

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