Friday 28 December 2012

British working women facing energy crisis

New research has revealed that over 60 per cent of working women believe there is more pressure on them now, than in their mother's generation. 

The research of over 2,000 women goes on to reveal that a potent, energy-zapping mix of technology overload, sleep deprivation and work/life imbalance is draining women’s power pack, leaving them working on empty and feeling pressured in all areas of life.

Stress is clearly a problem affecting many women's energy levels, with over two thirds of women (71%) admitting to spending half their time feeling stressed. Another big energy draw seems to be coming from modern technology. 

Even when we finish work we’re still staying switched on – with nearly two thirds (64%) of women leaving their phones on at night, and half of us not even turning them to silent.  And while for some of us the daily commute to work is for catching up on the news or reading, 31% of women admit it’s a chance to check their phones for emails.

Women are also feeling pressured when it comes to diet and exercise. With 65% of women feeling guilty as they don’t do enough exercise and over half (54%) believing they should eat a healthier diet. So it’s not a surprise that energy slumps are on the increase, with 81% of women suffering from energy slumps, either in the morning, after lunch or by mid-afternoon.

As we move towards 2013 I would encourage anyone to make energy a focus for their New Year’s resolution. Forget fad diets or expensive gym memberships, like a new relationship, if you can’t see longevity in your resolutions, then you’re probably going to end up dumping them and grabbing for the chocolate. 

By focusing on increasing your energy levels and creating positive habits that are realistic and sustainable you’ll see massive changes in your waist line, mood and productivity.

For more information and advice on how to achieve great energy visit 

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