Thursday, 14 November 2013

The benefits of mindfulness & meditation in the workplace

Personally, I have now been practicing mindfulness & daily meditation for over 10 years.  I am often asked “what are the top 4 things for your health & energy?” and these always include mindfulness & meditation, along with great sleep, great nutrition and morning exercise.

In 2014, energiseYou celebrates its 10th year in helping companies to improve the health, energy & performance of their employees.  For almost a decade we have brought mindfulness & meditation into the workplace via our workshops, webinars, podcasts & health events.

That aside, I have observed a very interesting polarity with this subject. On one hand, there are so many amazing benefits associated with mindfulness & meditation, such as:

-       Improves happiness
-       Increases your energy levels
-       Improves sleep
-       Makes you more successful in business
-       Helps you manage pressure at work
-       Improves problem solving & creativity
-       Lowers blood pressure & boosts the immune system
-       Reduces negative emotions, stress, anxiety, fear and anger

Yet, on the other hand, there are so few people that actually practice mindfulness & meditation on a daily basis.

So given all of these benefits why is it not practiced more? Here are some of the reasons:

-       People and companies are not fully aware of its transforming benefits
-       Some of these benefits cannot be fully appreciated until they are personally experienced
-       People often expect to be able to quieten the mind and meditate like a Buddhist monk on day one, which just doesn’t happen
-       People often try meditation without being shown how, find it very hard and then immediately give up
-       People often over look mindfulness as a practice because it seems too basic and simple, yet it is in its simplicity that the magic lies.
-       As with many things, people need to be inspired by someone to start.  My personal inspiration to start TM meditation was the film director David Lynch who has been meditating everyday for the past 35 years and he’s still loving it!

So the reasons that mindfulness & meditation should be a key part of your wellbeing programme are because of their profound benefits that can transform overall health & energy. To achieve this we need to address the challenges in the list above to ensure we can actively and regularly embrace the gift of mindfulness & meditation into our lives.


Barton Wilson said...

Certainly. Meditation is a good pressure valve for the workers struggling through a quota and burning the midnight oil and all that. It pays to have this promoted by a management, so that a business' engine keeps on running and doesn't break.

Barton @ ISA Registrar

meditation benefits said...

If you are anxious, tense and worried, you may find meditation restores your calm. This is a simple and inexpensive way to help you combat stress and other debilitating symptoms associated with anxiety.