Friday, 25 January 2013

Smart computer use - it's up to employers to train their people

There is no doubt about it technology can really improve productivity. But for this to happen employees need to be using it smartly.

Our research, of over 2,000 employees, finds the large majority score just 55% on the key drivers of smart computer use. Given the amount of time we spend in front of our computer this is not good for business – not only is it putting employees at risk but also the business.

It’s up to us as employers to make sure our people understand how to stay healthy and energised at their computer.

Doing this properly will not only ensure we comply with the health & safety legislation but also reduce the risk of employees developing health related problems which is putting a strain on businesses, such as musculo-skeletal disorders and headaches.

Take action now - here are three simple steps to get you started:

1. Carry out workstation assessments – this is a legal requirement
A staggering 51% of employees surveyed are not set up with the correct seating and posture at their computer. By carrying out a workstation assessment you can make sure employees are following healthy workstation practices, and also ensure your company is complying with health and safety regulations. For more information click here.

2. Understand how to use computers smartly
I am holding a 30-minute live webinar to help you improve computer use in your organisation. Click here to register – places are limited.

This will help you ensure you comply with the legislation and identify ways to reduce the risk of employees developing musculo-skeletal disorders.

This is being held at 12pm, on the 19 February 2013. All attendees will receive a free factsheet on ‘how to stay healthy and energised at your computer’ to circulate to their employees.

3. Support employees
Make sure you have the policies and procedures in place within your organisation so that employees:
- Achieve the correct seated posture
- De-clutter - keep their workstation clutter free
- Are able to take regular breaks from their desk
- Drink water

Friday, 18 January 2013

Say goodbye to Blue Monday

Monday 21st January 2013 is apparently the most depressing day of the year, due to the combined effect of Christmas blues, lack of money, lack of natural sunlight, broken New Year resolutions and it being a Monday.

However, Blue Monday is only bad if you allow it to be. I challenge you to go against what some of the experts and say goodbye to Blue Monday. Make it a great day for you and everyone around you – your colleagues, friends and family.

By taking a positive approach to our daily tasks and challenges we really do have the opportunity to say goodbye to Blue Monday and make 2013 a fantastic year.

The key is to develop and maintain a healthy mindset. So, take today as an example – it is snowing heavily today and as a result a couple of people have cancelled meetings that I had scheduled. This could be seen as really negative but it’s just meant I’ve had to rearrange my day.

Yes, the snow causes some problems but it only falls occasionally here in London and it looks beautiful outside. Also, by rearranging my meetings I am able to use my time today to focus attention on other projects.

The key to happiness and success, both inside and outside the workplace, is to focus on developing a positive mindset.

Start doing this today. Surround yourself with people who energise you, start speaking more positively and consistently do more of the things that positively affect your health, energy and happiness.

Make 2013 your best year yet….

Thursday, 17 January 2013

#AskOliver health Q&A session

I ran the first of my #AskOliver Twitter Q&A sessions last Friday and it was a great success!

I asked my Twitter followers to tweet their health and energy related questions using the hashtag #AskOliver and I logged onto Twitter to answer them, between 12-2pm. I received a variety of health and energy related questions and thought it would be helpful to write a short blog post to summarise them and share some of my tips.

Hi Oliver. I always have a 3pm slump. How do I combat this?
Make sure you include healthy protein (fish, chicken, tofu, lentils) in your lunch & Matcha tea is a great 3pm energiser

Morning coffee at work - good 'energiser' to start the day? What's your view?
Try to limit your caffeine.Matcha green tea is a much better option. Gives u an energy boost & won't leave you feeling low later

How many breaks should you take from your computer screen during an average 8 hour working day?
About 5 mins per hour, and a longer break from lunch, also regular fresh air breaks & back stretches helps to energise

Oliver, I use my mobile phone right up until I head to bed (midnight) - is this wise??
Not so wise ;) Start a new habit to improve sleep, avoid all technology an hour before bed, no TV, laptop, iPad & phone

Oliver, are short bursts of fitness (15mins) really as effective as longer sessions in the gym??
15 min workouts are great when you're time poor Mon-Fri & def as effective as longer sessions. Morning = max benefits

Hello @olivergray7 what is the best way to keep your energy levels up when at work? Snacking? Fresh air?
Fresh air breaks & lunch away from your computer is key + healthy breakfast & lunch with a mid afternoon fruit & nut snack

Having an afternoon energy slump. Your thoughts?
It's a beautiful day for some fresh air energising lunch Sainsbury's local now do lentils pre-cooked, great with green salad 

What's the best way to avoid food cravings e.g. sugar?
Avoid refined processed foods, these are often high in sugar, the less sugar you eat the less you will crave. Try for 1 month

Why do I feel so full/sick when I eat small amount of eggs, then hungry soon after. Have to eat them in two sittings
Maybe intolerant or the way you digest protein, this is likely to be the case if the same thing happens with other protein foods

My job is community based, and stressful, not sure when to fit in exercise before or after work?
Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym @matilda501 - it could be walking to work

Do keep posting any questions on Twitter. You can contact me via @olivergray7 I am always up for interacting with people who are taking an interest in their health and energy levels!

Monday, 7 January 2013

What's your focus for 2013?

Traditionally December and January is a time when many people start thinking about what they want to achieve in the New Year.
This month all the staff here, at energiseYou, have picked an area that they want to focus on to improve their health, energy and happiness. Some of the team plan to eat more fruit, there’s Lily who is going to learn to cook and someone upping their marathon training.

This got me thinking about what I want to focus on in 2013. I’m already very proactive when it comes to nutrition and exercise so I started to think about other areas that will really help energise me – this led me to success and fun…

Why success? Having played professional tennis for four years and always being interested in sports I am naturally very competitive and love the thrill of a win. For me, losing is just not an option and this is why success is so important.

Why the fun? Whilst it is positive to have an objective in mind and a belief that you will achieve it the danger is that you become so focused on the end goal that you stop enjoying the journey. So, for me, this is where the focus on fun comes in.

It’s so important to enjoy work and our day to day activities. When we have fun and enjoy life we are more energised, more likely to achieve our goals, and we are naturally much happier.

All too often we take life and work too seriously, especially in the workplace. Yes, there are serious issues that will need my attention and yes there might be challenging moments but this doesn’t mean work can’t be fun.

By having fun along the way I know I will enjoy everything a bit more and hopefully those around me will too. So here is to a fun and successful 2013.

Some of the energiseYou team will be sharing updates on how they are doing with their new habits on Twitter @energiseyou and @olivergray7 and Facebook You can do the same – don’t forget #ENERGISEYOU

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Eat your way to a healthy and productive 2013

We’ve all heard the popular saying, “You are what you eat.” There is certainly some truth in this because what we eat and drink really does have an impact on our health and energy levels, which in turn can have affect our performance and productivity at work.

But there’s so much information in magazines, books and on the Internet, offering advice about what we should eat and how to lose weight it can be difficult to know where to start.

Last week, equalities minister Jo Swinson wrote an open letter asking magazines to "shed the fad diets and fitness myths" in their January editions. She said, “Far too much of magazine coverage tends to focus on irresponsible, short-term solutions and encourages readers to jump on fad diet bandwagons.”
Swinson drew attention to the fact these fad diets pose a health risk. This is very true but not watching what you eat can also pose a health risk.

Our research of over 2,000 employees shows the large majority of people score just 35% with regards to nutrition on the key drivers of good health and energy. Clearly there is a huge opportunity for us to help employees make some simple health related changes - this will not only have a positive impact on their energy levels but also the health of your business.

With many people setting goals to eat more healthily or lose weight in January now is the ideal time for employers to help staff and tap into their motivation at the start of the year.

This doesn’t just mean offering advice about good nutrition and healthy eating there are other simple actions that employers can take to support staff, helping them to make healthy choices and achieve great health, energy and performance at work. These include:

1.    Healthy food and drinks
Ensure meeting rooms have fruit, herbal teas and water. Also ensure biscuits and sweets etc are not provided in meeting rooms. If meetings run through the day or you have training days, ensure your caterers provide a healthy breakfast & lunch.

2.    Water in the office
Ensure your office has clean drinking water easily available; this can be clean drinking tap water, water coolers or water fountains.

3.    Vending machines
Ensure all vending machines providing high sugar drinks, crisps and chocolate etc are removed from your building.

For more information you can download my 7 essentials to wellbeing – click here for more information.

By supporting staff in this way you can help your people give their health and energy a boost – this will strengthen your business.

Find out how to achieve a healthy and energised workforce. Click here to secure your place on our live webinar, on the 16 January at 12pm. Places are limited.