Friday, 28 December 2012

British working women facing energy crisis

New research has revealed that over 60 per cent of working women believe there is more pressure on them now, than in their mother's generation. 

The research of over 2,000 women goes on to reveal that a potent, energy-zapping mix of technology overload, sleep deprivation and work/life imbalance is draining women’s power pack, leaving them working on empty and feeling pressured in all areas of life.

Stress is clearly a problem affecting many women's energy levels, with over two thirds of women (71%) admitting to spending half their time feeling stressed. Another big energy draw seems to be coming from modern technology. 

Even when we finish work we’re still staying switched on – with nearly two thirds (64%) of women leaving their phones on at night, and half of us not even turning them to silent.  And while for some of us the daily commute to work is for catching up on the news or reading, 31% of women admit it’s a chance to check their phones for emails.

Women are also feeling pressured when it comes to diet and exercise. With 65% of women feeling guilty as they don’t do enough exercise and over half (54%) believing they should eat a healthier diet. So it’s not a surprise that energy slumps are on the increase, with 81% of women suffering from energy slumps, either in the morning, after lunch or by mid-afternoon.

As we move towards 2013 I would encourage anyone to make energy a focus for their New Year’s resolution. Forget fad diets or expensive gym memberships, like a new relationship, if you can’t see longevity in your resolutions, then you’re probably going to end up dumping them and grabbing for the chocolate. 

By focusing on increasing your energy levels and creating positive habits that are realistic and sustainable you’ll see massive changes in your waist line, mood and productivity.

For more information and advice on how to achieve great energy visit 

Forget the fad diets

Yesterday, equalities minister Jo Swinson's urged magazine editors to stop featuring irresponsible "fad diets and fitness myths" that will not actually help people lose weight.

After twenty years in the health, energy and weight loss business, it's about time something was done about these crazy fad diets, and it's great to see an MP taking a stand.

Fad diets are crazy. They are unhealthy, unhelpful and unrealistic. But worse than that, they can be dangerous.

They are bad for energy levels, which amongst other things effect people's moods and ability to stay active, and often restrict key food groups which are essential for good health.

But their major Achilles Heel is that most ask too much in too little time which is why people rarely stick to them and often end up in a worst place once they've quit the diet.

They may help the diet industry to pile on the pounds, but generally they don't help individuals to lose weight in a sensible and sustainable way. They can in fact have a negative impact on people's health, energy and performance.

Monday, 10 December 2012

The story behind ENERGISE YOU

What a year!  

I’m really pleased to see my book, ENERGISE YOU – The ultimate health and energy plan, in print.

I wrote the book over a year ago now so it’s fantastic to have the hard copy now here on my desk. And it will be on sale in all major bookstores from January…exciting times.

So, why did I write the ENERGISE YOU?
Anyone who has met me knows I really am so passionate about helping people to improve their health and increase their energy. Whilst our corporate business is helping companies to improve the health, energy and performance of their staff I wanted to create something that everyone, regardless of where they work, can use and refer to on a regular basis.

After years of research, I know information alone doesn’t work; you also need a system for taking the information and creating change. This is where the book comes in. ENERGISE YOU includes a proven system which is used by the energiseYou corporate business – this has helped thousands of employees to improve their health and energy.

Having coached over 10,000 people around health and energy, I have learnt four very powerful things:

1. People’s health, energy and happiness is ultimately driven by their habits in 7 key areas:  mind management, nutrition, sleep, exercise, smart computer use, re-energising and work life balance. The book is full of all the best habits we should adopt and all the habits that we should drop in these 7 areas.

2. The large majority of people just want an expert they trust to tell them what to do in a super simple way; they don't want to know about all the reasons why they should do it, just what works.

3. People need a simple yet sophisticated system for change - we need to know what to do but also how to do it.

4. Finally, pretty much everyone I’ve met and coached wants more energy, they just want to know what to do to get it, how to implement the change and most importantly they want it made quick and SIMPLE.

The book is full of the best information and habits for the mind, nutrition, sleep, exercise, smart computer use, re-energising and work life balance. It can be used like a handbook and can be referred back to for inspiration - it has been dubbed the ultimate energy plan, by those who have used it and it really will help you get great results.

But read it for yourself and let me know what you think on Twitter or Facebook.